The Joy of Backyard Sports: Stephen Curry on Letting Kids Play Without Pressure

Stephen Curry, the renowned basketball player, isn’t forcing his children to pursue sports. In a recent interview with PEOPLE, he discussed his involvement with Rakuten and plans to highlight Black designers during the 2024 NBA season. He also mentioned that he introduces his three kids to various sports at home.

Curry, who has three children – daughters Riley, 11 and Ryan, 8 and son Canon, 5 – revealed that their family is currently indulging in backyard sports for fun and leisure. According to him, there’s nothing too structured or organized as his youngest is only 5 years old and he values the process of Canon building his confidence and finding joy in everything he does. Curry emphasizes the importance of not putting too much pressure on kids these days to be successful or keep up with their peers.

He states that his main objective is to ensure that his children have fun no matter what they do, given the many challenges and pressures they face on a daily basis. He wants them to enjoy their childhood and discover pleasure in everything they experience. Curry has also shared that his eldest daughter, Riley, is showing an interest in sports, and her ambition reminds him of his own passion for the game.

In July, Curry shared that he has introduced his children to various sports and Riley, in particular, has taken a liking to volleyball. She is enthusiastic about practicing and even plays around the house. Curry is pleased that she has found something she loves and is passionate about. Earlier this year, Ayesha spoke about the challenges of balancing motherhood and career at a young age.

During an episode of Skimm’d From The Couch, Ayesha expressed her realization that she was assuming the role of a mature woman at a young age when most people were still exploring their identities or attending college. Although she enjoyed motherhood, Ayesha yearned for more. Eventually, she found her calling after creating a recipe blog that has since expanded into an empire consisting of various restaurants, cookbooks, and a television show. Additionally, Ayesha’s daughter Riley inherited her cooking skills and exhibits exceptional talent in the kitchen.

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