Discovering kittens in a box: The adorable bonding duo ready to fill every lap they come across.

Bonded Kittens Jump on Any Empty Lap They Can Find Once Indoors After Being Found in a Box Outside

The pair of inseparable kittens wasted no time in seeking out warm laps to cuddle up on as soon as they were brought inside, having been discovered huddled together in a box outdoors.

kittens lap cat dog

A pair of adorable gray kittens were discovered in a box outdoors when they were just a few weeks old. Their mother was nowhere to be found, so they were taken in by Tails High, a rescue organization run by volunteers. With some TLC for 2-3 weeks, the kittens started looking healthier, with round little bellies and plenty of energy.

The kittens, initially mistaken for boys and named Mike and Ike, wasted no time exploring their new foster home. They quickly warmed up to their surroundings and even started seeking out laps to cuddle in.

lap kittens cats

Mike and Ike are two adorable kittens who never fail to fill a lap with their presence. Since arriving, they have been nothing but friendly and sweet, showing no fear in their new surroundings. Asa, their foster mom, has been amazed by their courage and loveable nature from day one. Even her resident dogs, who are also big fans of kittens, happily welcomed the new arrivals with wagging tails.

kittens snuggling dog

The kittens wasted no time in cozying up to the family dog, Asa. It’s not typical for new kittens to be so friendly right off the bat, but Mike and Ike were different. “As soon as they met my other four furry companions, they were all over them,” the owner shared. “And believe it or not, they even chased after the vacuum! I’ve never seen animals act like that before. It was quite a sight to see these tiny 1.5-lb kittens fearlessly approaching a big vacuum cleaner.”

playful tabby gray kittens

During a trip to the vet, Asa found out that the kittens were actually female, but their names remained unchanged. Whether they were snuggled up with each other on their beloved blanket, perched on top of their dog companion Kona, or making biscuits on Mike before dozing off in a cozy pile, the kittens always found comfort in each other’s company.

kittens kneading cute

Ike focused on taking care of Mike, who had difficulties gaining weight and struggled with keeping food down for a week. Their owner, Asa, was worried and feared losing Mike during that difficult time.

kitten purrito snuggles

When Asa observed Mike struggling with breathing and swallowing while eating, she tried a trick by holding Mike’s head upright, which surprisingly worked. Now, Asa makes sure to “purrito” Mike with care and attention during mealtime until she finishes digesting.
During Mike’s recovery, Kona showered her with love like a mother. The kittens found solace in Kona’s presence, seeking her warmth and comfort by curling up on top of her.

kittens snuggly dog

From that point on, Mike has been devouring food like a champion, packing on enough pounds to match Ike’s size. The two are constantly on the move, playing and running around throughout the day. Whether they’re crawling on me or napping on my lap while I work, their bond is so strong.

kittens lap cats dog

Asa’s lap has become a popular spot for the kittens to snuggle up while she works. When they were younger, Kona would join them in a pile of purrs. Now that the kittens are bigger, they prefer to nap on their foster mom’s lap and insist on being held together. Working from home has turned into a cozy kitten cuddling session.

kittens lap cats sleeping

Asa reflects on the daily struggle of staying productive, wondering how she manages to accomplish anything.
She notices the contrast in appearance between two siblings who were once indistinguishable as young kittens. As foster cats mature, they develop unique traits that make them stand out, a bittersweet reminder that they are closer to finding their forever homes.

snuggly kittens hugs

It’s official, Ike has now become a proud member of the 3-pound club, with her sister Mike not too far behind. These two little ones are doing great, getting bigger by the day, and keeping their foster mom’s lap warm around the clock.

bonded kittens tabbies


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